Club Membership costs $100 annually or $60 for 6 months. This supports payment of lane bookings, first aid training, equipment and events.

Sign up to the Club
To attend our club inductions costs $40 and includes two induction sessions, introduction to static breath holds and introduction to dynamic training, as well as a one month membership. Completing both these sessions is a requirement to join regular club pool training sessions, it enables new divers to the club to train safely. Once you’ve read the information below, click here to be taken to our HelloClub site to register for upcoming inductions. You will need to register on the site before you can book. Any issues, email After your first month, if you wish to continue training you will need to become a member. Included in Lazy Seal Freediving Club membership is membership of Freediving New Zealand. As a member you will receive a weekly training email which includes information about club events.
Attending a Club Induction
Session #1: Statics

Time: 6–7.30 pm (Thursday)
In our first session, we’ll kick off with theory and then jump in the water for static breath holds. We’ll meet at Freyberg pool, by the side with the row of benches. Theory will last 30 min, before we will get changed and jump in the water. We’ll then split you into buddy pairs, and go through how to be a safe buddy. You’ll go through a series of breath holds, practicing what you were just introduced to in the theory prior. The session will finish with rescues.
You will need to bring
- Thick wetsuit: A two-piece 5mm is ideal, but you can get away with a 3/4mm surfing wetsuit as well. The pool is around 27 C, but you will quickly cool down when doing statics as you will not be moving;
- Mask;
- Optional: A waterproof watch/dive computer to keep track of breath hold times for you and your buddy;
- Towel.
What we will cover
The breathing cycle:
- Relaxation phase (diaphragmatic/belly breathing);
- The big breath;
- Breath hold;
- Recovery breathing (3 or more hook breaths);
Introduction to relaxation techniques:
- Body scan/visualisation.
Basic physiology of a breath hold:
- Oxygen and Co2.
- How to progress safely;
- How to be a good buddy;
- How to perform a rescue;
- Difference between Loss of Motor Control (LMC)/Samba and Blackout (BO).

Session #2: Dynamics
Time: 6.45–8.30pm (Tuesday)
In our second session, we’ll be introducing dynamics. In this session, we will be using bi-fins to swim distances underwater. We’ll incorporate what we learnt last week about the breathing cycle and apply it to moving underwater, figure out how to weight ourselves to be neutrally buoyant in the pool, streamlining, practice bi-fins technique, and how to rescue someone in dynamics.
You will need to bring
- Togs;
- Wetsuit: As opposed to static, we will now be moving, and therefore will not need a thick wetsuit. Some people opt for just togs, while others wear a thin wetsuit or just half of a two-piece wetsuit. Remember, the thicker your wetsuit, the more weight you will need to be neutrally bouyant;
- Mask;
- Fins: short or long fins are both suitable;
- Socks/booties (for use in fins if needed);
- Weightbelt and weights;
- Towel;
- Water bottle (optional, there is also a drinking fountain to refill);
- Snorkel (optional);
- Swim cap (optional, but can be nice if you have long hair and no hood on your wetsuit/are using togs).
What we will cover
- Refresher of the breathing cycle;
- Lane etiquette;
- Sticking to the left, surfacing by the side of the pool, give way to others, let someone know if you need direct safety;
- Streamlining;
- Weighting;
- Bi-fins technique;
- Rescue;
- De-brief.