The Lazy Seals train in the pool four to five times per week depending on the season. Sessions are held in Freyberg Pool, Wellington and Te Rauparaha Aquatic Arena, Porirua. New members must complete an induction, sign up information can be found at join the club. During daylight saving time, we depth train in Wellington harbour and members must have completed a depth induction to participate in this. Only full members can train outside of supervised Freyberg sessions (i.e., completed an induction and full month of training). Pool training session times and locations are listed to below.

Get the Most Out of Training
We want you to have fun training with us and there are a few ways that training can be made more effective which may also make it more enjoyable. So here are a few tips for you going forward.
- Many people find not eating in the lead up to training makes breath holds more manageable (e.g., contractions may not be as intense or frequent). Some find a small snack beforehand helps for an energy boost. Try to avoid a meal within 4 hours prior to training and see if it helps.
- Stretch: stretching shoulders, upper back, lower back and warming up joints can help you feel more flexible for streamline position and finning. Stretching before you get in the pool is helpful, as is regular stretching outside of training to build mobility.
- Dry training: you may wish to try dry breath holds, ask a session leader for advice on this!
- Relax: start your preparation on the way to the pool by trying to relax and center yourself on your journey (and ideally try not to be rushing!).
- If you are looking to build fitness for a specific hobby (e.g. spearfishing), ask a session leader or committee member and they can advice you on useful strategies
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions!